A key objective of the National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence scheme is to improve health outcomes and promote or improve translation of research outcomes into policy and/or practice.
An underlying core objective of The Centre of Excellence in Treatable Traits is to encourage and support research translation in order to achieve research impact.
Research translation is the journey from research outputs to real-world change and is a precursor to research impact. If research outputs do not translate, they will not achieve impact. Research impact is the difference that research outputs make when used. It includes knowledge gain, changes in policy and practice, improved health outcomes, improved research capability and capacity, benefits to the economy and benefits to society.
Many measures can be used to assess impact including traditional research metrics such as publication citations and presentations. However, measurement of impact can also expand to non-academic outcomes such as improved health outcomes, cost savings and the integration of research into policy.

To determine the research impact for our Centre, we will be using the Framework to Assess the Impact from Translational health research (FAIT). The FAIT model is a hybrid of three methodologies for measuring research impact in a multi-dimensional way:
- Impact metrics based on the Payback method (presented within domains of benefit)
- Economic analysis (reported as a return on investment)
- Narratives (presented as a story of how the research translated and generated impact, including qualitative impacts).
The Centre of Excellence in Treatable Traits will upload our impact snapshot, impact case studies and annual report.