Professor Alvar Agustí

University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain


Professor Alvar Agustí is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Barcelona, and a senior consultant at The Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Spain. He is an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh and an honorary member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), as well as chairman of the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). In the last decade, Alvar has pioneered the application of network approaches to the complexity of chronic respiratory diseases in general and COPD in particular. He has an outstanding international reputation as an innovative thinker in the areas of systems biology as it applies to respiratory medicine and has had a featured profile in The Lancet (Lancet, 2017). He has published over 450 peer-reviewed articles, contributed to over 40 books, and is regularly invited to appear at symposia around the world. As a physician-researcher, he has been at the forefront of personalised medicine and the treatable traits approach to respiratory disease and as an associate investigator, he will lend his expertise and guidance in this area.

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