Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand: Landscape fire smoke and asthma position paper: evidence and the consumer experience.

Friday 20th of October 12:00 pmto 2:00 pm.

Hosted by the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand: Landscape fire smoke and asthma position paper: evidence and the consumer experience. 

Landscape fires are increasing in frequency and severity globally. In Australia, extreme bushfires cause a large and increasing health and socioeconomic burden for communities and governments. People with asthma are particularly vulnerable to the effects of landscape fire smoke (LFS) exposure. In this webinar we will address the impact of landscape fire smoke on people with asthma and highlight vulnerable groups.  We will also address the patient experience of living through these events.  A summary of the latest TSANZ position paper on Landscape Fire Smoke and Asthma will also be presented with an overview of the recommendations for clinicians and patients. 


12:00 – 12:10pm Welcome and Webinar Open – Professor Michael Abramson and Dr Bronywn Brew (Co-Chairs) 

12:10 – 12:40pm – Impact of Landscape Fire Smoke and Asthma – The Evidence including Q&A – Professor Paul Robinson 

12:40 – 1:10pm – Impact of Landscape Fire Smoke and Asthma – The Consumer Experience including Q&A – John Harrington 

1:10 – 1:40pm – Background and Overview of the Position Paper with Recommendations including Q&A – Professor Vanessa McDonald

Please note these times are in AEDT. 

Webinar Topic:

Landscape Fire Smoke and Asthma 

Chairs: Professor Michael Abramson and Dr Bronwyn Brew 


  •  Professor Paul Robinson 

Paul Robinson is a Senior Staff Specialist at Queensland Children’s Hospital, a Conjoint Professor at the University of Queensland, where he is the Deputy Director of the Children’s Health and Environment Program, and a Research Leader at the Woolcock Medical Research Institute. He was co-lead of the Asthma Service at his previous institution, the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, and established and led the Complex Asthma Service there. He is the current co-chair of a TSANZ working group tasked with establishing a paediatric complex asthma registry for Australia and New Zealand. His clinical research targets improved detection, and monitoring, of both early and established lung disease using novel lung function and imaging tools across a number of important paediatric respiratory conditions and environmental exposures. Ongoing local research is funded by both national and international grants through strong collaborative networks established with leading researchers. 

  •  John Harrington 

John is a Registered Nurse leading respiratory nursing for Hunter New England Area Health as the Clinical Nurse Consultant for Airway Disease. John brings extensive experience from senior nursing roles in the UK’s NHS and Australia. It is John’s focus to develop a world class respiratory service at HNELHD, providing leadership in airway disease. Significant roles are developing a multi-disciplinary approach to airway disease, developing new models of care for COPD, asthma with a focus on better integration with primary health providers to enhance patient’s self-management.  

  • Professor Vanessa McDonald 

Vanessa McDonald is a Professor of Nursing in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Newcastle, Australia and an honorary clinical nurse consultant in the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at John Hunter Hospital. She is Director of the Centre of Excellence in Treatable Traits, and the Hunter Medical Research Institute’s Asthma and Breathing Programme. In 2023 Vanessa joined the board of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. Her research interests are centred around the development of innovative approaches to the management of chronic airway diseases.  She is passionate about the development and implementation of personalised medicine strategies that place the person at the centre of health care delivery.  Over >25 years Vanessa has developed expertise in respiratory clinical nursing practice and education, has contributed extensively to respiratory health advocacy and health policy and, has developed as an internationally recognised respiratory researcher. She is committed to committed to improving the health and quality of life of people with lung disease in our region and internationally, and to the mission of lung health. 

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