Annual Report- May 2022
Welcome to the first annual report of the NHMRC Centre of Excellence in Treatable Traits. The Centre began operation in October 2020 after we received five years of funding from the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence Scheme, with the official launch held in April 2021. We were really excited about launching this centre and progressing the Treatable Traits research agenda, driving implementation to practice, developing significant collaborations and importantly developing the next generation of airway disease researchers and clinicians through our innovative training programme. We hope you agree with us that the last 18 months has not been disappointing! In fact, we have achieved a great amount during this period as you will see from the enclosed report. Our focus over the last year 18 months has been on establishing the centre and the research programmes, recruiting our excellent trainees and implementing the support programmes that align with our goals-
“To revolutionise the management of chronic airway disease by testing and implementing “Treatable Traits” approaches”.
We have an amassed team of investigators who are international world leaders in airway disease research and practice representing the disciplines of Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, Health Economics, Behavioural and Biological Sciences. Our team is strengthened by our collaboration and partnership with the peak bodies Asthma Australia and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, consumers and now our trainees and affiliate fellows. Over the next 12 months we are looking forward to our continued collaborations and exciting discussions about Treatable Traits research, conducting that research and communicating and implementing outcomes globally.
Annual Report- May 2022